- An implied meaning;implicit significance. 隐含的意义;暗喻
- An implied meaning; implicit significance. 特殊的重要性或意义。
- What he said seemed simple and clear, but there was an implied meaning that we couldn't quite fathom. 他说的话似乎简单明了,但是其中的含蓄意思我们不能理解。
- The lamps and lanterns of the neoclassicism combines collocation to go up to also have an implied meaning in what live in an element with other. 新古典主义的灯具在与其它家居元素的组合搭配上也有文章。
- An implied conclusion or judgment. 一个隐含的结论或判断.
- I don't understand the implied meaning of this sentence. 我不理解这句话的含义。
- An implied trust is also referred to as a presumptive trust. 默示信托也被称为假定信托。
- The citizen who criticizes his country is paying it an implied tribute. 批评他的国家的公民是在含蓄地为国家作贡献。
- In text, there is an implied order from the upper left to the lower right. 在文本中,存在一个隐含的从左上角到右下角的次序。
- An implied warranty that the goods are merchantable is imposed only on a merchant who deals in the kind of goods sold. 默示的商品可销售性担保仅仅适用于经营所售商品的商人。
- Although it is often vulgar and unrefined, its implied meaning can be both deep and eloquent. 它虽然不雅,甚至粗俗,但却具有极强的表意功能。
- DU Fu thought a lot of implied meaning, so his articles run deep and massily, but as recondite treaties. 杜甫行文重意蕴,感慨深沉,内容厚重,情感跌宕,却难免艰涩之苦。
- If a journey is the road to choose positively or guide passively,then it should also bear other implied meaning. 如果任何一段旅程,都是一条主动选择或被动带领的道路,那么它应该还承担其他的寓意。
- An express warranty does not exclude an implied warranty, unless it be inconsistent therewith. 除非明示保证与默示保证相抵触,明示保证不排除默示保证。
- Implied meaning: drinking, ambling, the people who make golf all relatively succeed. 寓意:喝酒,赌博,打高尔夫的人都比较成功。
- As long recognized, some values are enjoyed under an implied limitation and must yield to the police power. 正如长期以来所公认的那样,财产的一些价值,在法律隐含的时效内是可以享用的,但必须服从于行政权力。
- The hospital has a cross-Wanlinianjian Legend has it that the temple monks planted the persimmon tree, implied meaning "all the best. 东跨院内有一株相传明万历年间寺内僧人栽的柿子树,寓意“万事如意”。
- ICPC's Charter serves as an implied in fact contract between the Plaintiff and the Defendant. 独立中文笔会会章作为原告与被告之间实际性合同而发挥作用。
- Tower prior to the original coppertong dian 5, implied meaning five, is now only two left,shi san ceng octahedron, exquisite scenery, eye-catching. 铜殿前原有铜塔五座,暗含五台之意,现仅留下两座,八面十三层,玲珑秀丽,引人注目。
- The Satrap interpreted the words he had just spoken as an implied criticism of his extravagance. 韦小宝道:“是啊,鸟生鱼汤,甘拜下风。”